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Baby Lauten's Registry

Listed below are items available for purchase for Amy & Ross Lauten's registry. There are also other items available for in-store purchases only. Please call to shop!  (336) 722-6713 

$92.00 Little Giraffe Blanket- Pink 

$53.00 Little Giraffe Lovey- Pink or Silver

$94.00- Beaufort Bonnet Bow Swaddle- Pink Silk

$49.00 Magnetic Me Take Me Home Set - Little Bitty Pretty One Kimono

$50.00 3Marthas Hooded Towel 

$50.00 3Marthas HoodedTowel- Pink Puppy

$139.00 Cashmere Blend Gift Set - Powder Pink

$30.00 Frame- (Winnie the Pooh)

$9.00 Baby Bootie Socks- Pink, Newborn & Infant

$145.00 Sadie Check  Floor Pillow

$47.00 Hope's Rose Ruffle Zip Footie- 3 Months 

All books! 

We also monogram!