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Gift Registry at Rolly's

Register at Rolly's! 

We love helping moms-to-be find just what they need for their registry. If you’d like to set up a registry for yourself, stop by the store and we would love to help you get started!

Looking for someone’s registry? 

Below is our list of moms-to-be that are registered at Rolly’s. If you’re interested in someone’s registry, give us a call at 336.722.6713, and we can help you select the perfect gift right over the phone. We also offer shipping, delivery, or pick-up at the store. And all gifts are wrapped beautifully, complimentary of course.
January: February:
Emily Watson
Baby Boy due February 21
Allison Storey
Surprise Baby due January 10
March: April:
May: June:
Adele Roberts Tucker
Baby Girl due May 26
Caroline Cogdill
Baby Girl due June 9
Maria Kastanis
Baby Boy due May 26
Marie & Ben Rush
Baby Girl due June 26
Maggie Kingman
Baby Girl due June 15
July: August:
Mary Grantham
Baby Boy due July 24
Hannah Jarvis
Baby Girl due July 16
Sommer Coalson
Baby Girl due August15
Jasmine Plott & Robert Price
Baby Boy due August 21
Anne & Travis Whitfield
Baby Girl due August 28
September: October:


Emma Gockowski
Baby Girl due November 1
Ashton McCurry
Baby Boys due around Thanksgiving